In establishing our study group, I was reminded about the 3 Visionaries, David Perkins talked about the last plenary session at the institute. He said that for change to happen, you need to have 3 Visionaries:
1. Conceptual Visionary
2. Political Visionary
3. Practical Visionary
The conceptual visionary in our case I would guess would be Ricci and I since we are bringing this concept/idea back from the Project Zero Institute.
The political visionary would be our school administration (principal, assistant principal) who is supporting and allowing us create this study group.
The practical visionary would also be Ricci and myself for implementing it in our classroom and organizing the effort in having a group of teachers explore the ideals.
As of our last study group meeting, we have 12-15 teachers who consistently attend the meetings. We are so happy that there is so much interest in creating a culture of thinking in our school. :)